The foundation consists of dedicated members giving back to the community, as well as becoming involved with awareness efforts that affect the community and nation worldwide.
Our Mission
The Foundation strives to develop new initiatives to support the young citizens of Atlanta. Some key objectives of the Foundation are to support, educate and unify the community and Foundation members encourage the public’s participation in all Foundation events. Open Hands, Atlanta Community Food Bank, Lift Up Atlanta, Harvest Food Bank and Food Bank of SE Virginia are just some of the many causes that benefit from the Foundation’s support and monetary contributions. Additional volunteer areas and sponsorship include but are not limited to Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, March of Dimes, Cancer Awareness and Autism Awareness.
The Foundation also sponsors many family-oriented events, such as an Annual Community Daycare Toy Drive, Adopt-A- Family Thanksgiving Dinner, free family picnic and annual roller skating party for the children. In addition, the Foundation funds and donates to a Backpack Giveaway and Holiday Toy Drive yearly.
What We've Achieved
- Partnered with Shining Stars Daycare and gave every child attending the daycare Christmas gifts
Incorporated donating over 75 toys to My Sister's House-Atlanta Mission
- Gave away over 334 Turkeys for those that were in need over the Weekend of Nov.18-20 2016 (97.9 FM, Providence Baptist Church)
- Volunteering at Atlanta Community Food Bank on multiple occasions, averaging well over 10000 food sorted meals packed per visit
- Volunteered along with their families to assist in food sorting at Second Harvest Food Bank
- Volunteered/participated in walks for Breast Cancer Awareness, Multiple Sclerosis
- Has held many fundraisers to donate school supplies to children of Free Spirit Ministries, Christmas gifts, 120 toys to the Mill Hill Child development center
- Personally going to people's homes for the holidays to make holiday dinner
Larry Day - Executive Director
Ervin Youngblood - Director
Derrick Hightower - Executive Director
Jamie Southward -Secretary
Delmario Warner -Tresurer